A CASE FOR LOVE is not just a movie you watch. It is a movie you feel. I felt myself tearing up as I heard ordinary people telling their stories of both hurt and generosity. I was moved and challenged by the realization of how much my actions can cause pain and create distance and feelings of exclusion, even when I believe I am well-intended. Although those were big feelings, my heart was truly shaken by the stories that hit close to home. Suddenly, I wasn’t just feeling for someone else, I was feeling with them. Their story told part of my story and a connection I was not expecting sprung across the divide and the stranger on the screen became someone I knew.
“I was blown away by A CASE FOR LOVE. As a leader in the national movement to bring Americans together, to inspire respectful conversation, and to build bridges across ideological and political divides, I found the film an utterly engaging, emotionally rich, vital reminder of the most powerful tool at our disposal: LOVE.”
– Kara Jarzynski, Executive Director, RESOLUTIOINARIES
“A CASE FOR LOVE reminds us that no matter who you are or where you are from, love and kindness is a thread that connects us all. We just have to be willing to choose it. Through wide-ranging interviews, the audience realizes that each of us is unique and has our own story to share. But it is the power of love and kindness which helps us overcome challenges, differences, and division.”
-Jaclyn Lindsey, Co-Founder & CEO of Kindness.org
“The dominant tone of social relations among us is one of fear. Now in this wondrous film, A CASE FOR LOVE, we have a compelling exhibit of a social practice that boldly contradicts the conventional practice of fear, scarcity, parsimony, and violence. A CASE FOR LOVE is a poignant documentation of the ways in which neighbors connect in generous ways with other neighbors across all the lines that divide us. This film is a welcome wake-up call among those who have too readily settled for an economy of fear. The makers of this film daringly bear witness to “a more excellent way” in the world.”
-Walter Brueggemann, Renowned Theologian
A CASE FOR LOVE is a moving documentary about the necessity of love, grace, and redemption in a time of division. It’s an ideal film for any church group or for those needing hope in this troubled time. Director Brian Ide does an excellent job of lifting up stories that we all need to hear.

“A CASE FOR LOVE is the film America and every American needs right now. Our society and personal relationships are being poisoned by polarization. The way out of this toxic vortex is curiosity, compassion, and seeing humanity in those unlike ourselves. In a word, love. The Case for Love is a hopeful rebellion against the deluge of division and hate. This film reminded me that love is alive, wide and deep, if only we stop to notice it. And that a good first place to look is in the mirror. The stories left me more curious, more open hearted, more inclined to selfless love.”
-Pearce Godwin, founder of Listen First Project, the collective impact leader for the bridging divides movement of 500+ organizations in the Listen First Coalition
“Sitting with my love in A CASE FOR LOVE—you may have saved a life. No joke it was sooo hard, but she said this gives her hope and she wants to find purpose. Then she looked at my mom and she said: I want to die every single day. This makes me think I can live. She felt seen…”
– Jen J
“Beautifully done with meaningful stories of human connection and love. I left A CASE FOR LOVE inspired and a little less weighed down by the heaviness we see in media. People are good and love is essential..”
– Emily A. on Rotten Tomatoes

“I admit I went to see A CASE FOR LOVE partly because I have a slight connection with the group that made it. However, the documentary was so rich, the stories so compelling and the “case for love” was made persuasively but with a full acknowledgment of how tough life can be, that I was blown away. I hope it gets shown much more widely.”
– Joanne L. on Rotten Tomatoes