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A Case for Love TT

Stay tuned for future ways to view A Case For Love

A Month of Unselfish Love

THANK YOU for making the national release of A Case For Love happen!

Your presence not only made these screenings special but also marked the beginning of a mission that is more important now than ever.

The verdict on “A Case for Love” is not a final one; it’s an invitation to an ongoing journey. Let us carry the message of unselfish love into our own circles. Share stories of compassion, amplify the voices of those who selflessly serve their communities, and strive to bridge the divides that threaten to pull us apart. Let’s make a difference together!

– Please reach out if you are interested in supporting this work or our next project, if you would like to bring ACFL to your community or have a testimonial to share with us, through the Contact Us form below.


Whether you’d like to: Bring A Case for Love to your Community,
share Your A Case For Love Testimonial, or Contact us with an inquiry.

Select the subject of interest in the form below, fill out your information,
upload your Testimonial, and let’s keep working together to spread LOVE beyond boundaries.
It will be great to hear from you!

    If you are having difficulties uploading your Testimonials, please email us at to coordinate!


    In a time of national chaos and lack of unity, watch as our film team travels the US searching for people living their lives selflessly. Join us as we interview random people on the street and well-known figures, including Pete Buttigieg, Al Roker, Becca Stevens, and more. Where have they witnessed unselfish love? Where have they seen its absence? Finally, watch Bishop Michael Curry place all we’ve seen into context.

    Learn More




    Subscribe below for important updates and ways to join us in our mission.

    Click HERE to learn more and participate in the “Month of Unselfish Love".


    Want to get involved with Grace-Based Films and our movement to bring more unselfish love into our world? Subscribe below for important updates about the film and ways to join us in our mission

    Click HERE to learn more and participate in the “Month of Unselfish Love".

    Thank you